
Translating and the Computer

Filed Under (Conferencias, Eventos) by Laura on 22-10-2008 and tagged


Los próximos días 27 y 28 de noviembre se celebrará en Londres la conferencia TRANSLATING AND THE COMPUTER 30

Se trata de una conferencia que lleva celebrándose desde 1978 y que trata temas relacionados con la traducción y las nuevas tecnologías: es decir, el foro ideal para gente como nosotros que queremos estar al día de qué ocurre en este mundillo. Lo único malo es que la inscripción es algo carilla y si no se va a exponer o a través de la Universidad o la empresa, ir por cuenta propia nos puede salir por un ojo de la cara (¡y más teniendo en cuenta lo caro que está Londres!). Lo bueno es que luego se pueden comprar las actas por un precio razonable, que contienen la información de mayor interés, ya que todos sabemos que a los congresos se va a escuchar ponencias… pero sobre todo a hacer contactos.

En esta ocasión habrá dos ponencias plenarias que tratarán temas tan interesantes como los flujos de trabajo tradicionales y los nuevos retos que representan nuevos tipos de textos como los wikis, que nunca tienen versión final. Será impartida por Marc Laporte. Por otro lado, Ulla Falk-Petersen, presidenta del Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo, hablará de cómo han integrado las herramientas de traducción en sus procesos para lograr una mayor calidad y efectividad.

El resto del programa podéis encontrarlo en la página de ASLIB.

Aprovecho para comentaros que, el año anterior se habló, entre otras cosas, sobre la traducción en colaboración. El artículo de la ponencia, Translation Wikified de Alain Désilets, puede descargarse de este enlace.

¿Alguien va a ir? Si es así, ¿nos podría contar luego su impresión de la conferencia?

Os dejo aquí la información en inglés:

Supported by BCS Natural Language Translation Specialist Group, EAMT, IAMT, ITI, IoL, LISA and TILP. Sponsored by CNGL and LTC.

Come and join us at the Holiday Inn Camden Lock to celebrate the 30th conference with an exciting programme of papers and panels. The programme, and other details, can be found at www.aslib.com/conferences. There are two additions and one change to the previously advertised programme:

a) the keynote presentation on Thursday 27:

Synchronizing translations in a Wiki with TikiWiki CMS/Groupware
Marc Laporte, AvanTech.net, Canada
Classic translation workflow systems are based on several assumptions.
For example, they assume the presence of a master language and that the source document be “final” before translation is started. But what to do for a wiki, which has no master language and, by the wiki’s nature, when a document is never “final”? The presentation will address 7 assumptions (including the two mentioned above) of the traditional translation workflows and how these are challenged in the Web & Wiki world. Finally, we will describe a working solution to these issues, implemented in TikiWiki, a full-featured, open source, multilingual Web Content Management System (CMS). This solution is currently used by the Firefox support site at support.mozilla.com. More information on Wiki-Translation.com

b) the keynote presentation on Friday 28:

Tools for Integration

Ulla Falk-Petersen, Director, European Court of Auditors, Luxembourg
Over the years, translator oriented IT tools have become instrumental to translation work. An important advantage of the use of IT tools stems from the possibilities in the way of integration and interoperability they offer. A case study is presented to illustrate how the European Court of Auditors has used IT tools to coordinate and harmonise translation work whilst providing quality assurance and efficiency. The use of IT tools as a facilitator of integration at several levels is stressed in the context of the 2004 and 2007 enlargements, which meant a twofold increase in the number of official languages and of translators in our organisation.

c) the last paper on Friday 28 has changed to:

A Quality Control Framework for Gold Standard Reference Translations: The Process and Toolkit Developed for GALE
Lauren Friedman, University of Pennsylvania, USA
While a multitude of MT evaluation metrics exist, most require one or more gold standard references. For the DARPA GALE program, source data is translated according to detailed guidelines2 and high quality standards, but these raw translations then undergo a rigorous and carefully constructed quality control process to create the final references. This resource intensive process, which utilizes a specially designed toolkit, QCTool, was developed to meet GALE’s need for multiple editing passes on translation data wherein each intermediary version of the translation is preserved. This paper describes this framework and suggests that it may be successfully applied to improve and streamline other large scale translation projects.

There are panels looking at the past 30 years and at the future, as well as ample opportunities to network with other colleagues in the field.

For more information, including how to book your place, please visit: www.aslib.com/conferences. If there are 3 of you coming from the same organization, the third delegate can attend for 200GBP plus VAT.

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