
Seminarios online de Wordfast Pro

Filed Under (Formación, Marcas, Wordfast) by Laura on 27-03-2009 and tagged ,

No sé si recordaréis que hace poco hablamos del lanzamiento de la nueva versión del GMT (gestor de memorias de traducción) Wordfast Pro. Pues bien, parece ser que ahora además van a lanzar una serie de seminarios online, gratuitos y de 20 minutos de duración. Vamos, que van a ser como pequeñas “píldoras de conocimiento”,

El programa, con los temas y horarios, es el siguiente, y podéis inscribiros en este enlace:

Webinar #1 – Installing, Activating, Licensing Wordfast Pro
This session will cover installing, activating, and licensing Wordfast Pro on your computer systems.  We will also cover support and using the hotline for technical questions
Tues March 31st—8:00 AM EDT
Wed April 1st—2:00 PM EDT
Thurs April 2nd—10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #2 – Setting up your preferences in Wordfast Pro
This session will cover configuring your Wordfast Pro settings/preferences.
Tues April 7th—8:00 AM EDT
Wed April 8th—2:00 PM EDT
Thurs Apth 9th—10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #3 – Project, TM, and glossary setup and maintanence
This session will cover setting up and maintaining Projects, Translation Memories, and Terminologies.
Tues April 14th —8:00 AM EDT
Wed April 15th —2:00 PM EDT
Thurs April 16th —10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #4 –TXML files
This session will cover working with TXML files, the file format generated by Wordfast Pro.
Tues April 21st —8:00 AM EDT
Wed April 22nd —2:00 PM EDT
Thurs April 23rd —10:00 PM

Webinar #5 – DOC, XLS, and PPT Files
This session will cover translating and cleaning up MS Word, PowerPoint and Excel files.
Tues April 28th —8:00 AM EDT
Wed April 29th —2:00 PM EDT
Thurs April 30th—10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #6 –Translating HTML and XML files.
This session will cover translating HTML and XML files, including working with rules files.
Tues May 5th —8:00 AM EDT
Wed May 6th—2:00 PM EDT
Thurs May 7th—10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #7 – Icons and Shortcuts
This session will give an overview of the functions of the different icons and shortcuts found in the TXML editor.
Tues May 12th —8:00 AM EDT
Wed May 13th —2:00 PM EDT
Thurs May 14th —10:00 PM EDT

Webinar #8 – Wordfast Add-ons
This session will give an overview of the PM Plugin, TM admin tool and Server based TM integration.
Tues May 19th —8:00 AM EDT
Wed May 20th —2:00 PM EDT
Thurs May 21th —10:00 PM EDT

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¡IMPORTANTE! Responde a la pregunta: ¿Cuál es el valor de 7 12 ?